Tofu Puff with Minced Meat

Tofu Puff with Minced Meat

Mix meat paste, minced meat, chives and seasoning A evenly in a bowl. Dip tofu puffs in boiling water for 30 seconds to remove excess oil and water.

Mee Siam

Mee Siam

Mix tamarind with water, strain off pulp. Heat up oil, stir fry shallots, garlics, dried chilli paste, and onion, until fragrant, for about 10 minutes.

For the Love of Noodles

There are about 350 types of noodles (including pastas) in the world. Yet, there has been a continuous effort from the Italians, Arabians, and the Chinese to claiming the throne on who invented noodles. Noodles are generally made up of water and flour that are kneaded either by hand or by machine into different shapes and sizes.

All Hail Soybeans!

Soybeans have gone far beyond its Asian origins as its wonderous benefits are spread across the globe. Besides being the most cultivated legume in the world, soybean is also an alternative food product for vegetarians and lactose-intolerant people. Let’s find out why soybean is the King of beans!

Avocado Sandwich

Ingredients: (serves 1) 2 slices of bread 1 large avocado 1 boiled eggs Chicken breast slices 1 tablespoon of lemon juice Salt Pepper Directions: 1. In a mixing bowl, mash 1 large ripe avocado. 2. Add lemon juice. 3. Slice the egg. 4. Toast the bread slices. 5. Spread...